Replace temporary file synology download station

Enable SMB durable handles (Cross-protocol file locking will be disabled): Enabling this option allows users to restore lost SMB2 connection to this Synology NAS after temporary disconnection; opened files will remain available during network outage. Yet, cross-protocol file locking will be disabled so that users can access or modify a locked.  · But In my DSj when using Synology Drive from an external location if I try to download a file the upload / download speed is super slow (1mb). But from the same external location if I access to the DMS vía DDNS ( and I try to download some files from File Station i am getting 20mb/s speeds, something.  · For example, my site’s name will be, so I will create a host or DNS record for to point to the local IP address of my Synology NAS. This is only temporary, and we will remove this in a later step. Hosts File. If you’re not using a DNS Server, follow the instructions below to modify your hosts file.

frank wrote:It seems that download station no longer moves the files to the selected directory, it only places them in the Qdownload directory.I have several directories for various catagories, when I set a file or group of files to download, I select the direct to move the completed download to. the download does not appear in the directory. 4. At this point, if you are using your free DDNS hostname, you might already have a self-signed certificate here. If you are, you can select replace an existing certificate and select the self-signed certificate. However, you are free to create a new certificate as well. With File Station, you can share files on your Synology NAS to anyone, and customize access permissions for optimal security. File Station makes it easy to share files across multiple platforms — whether it's Windows ®, macOS ®, and Linux ® computers or mobile devices. Live Demo Specifications Applied models.

Peers (BT tasks only) lists other BT clients sharing the same files over the network. File (BT/NZB tasks only) lists files to download for the current task. For BT tasks, you can set download priority for each file or skip downloading certain files. Log (NZB tasks only) records the download progress of files. Click the gear icon next to the search field at the top of Download Station, go to Download Station General, and tick Enable eMule downloads. If there are multiple volumes on your Synology NAS, you can choose from the drop-down menu to specify the temporary location for storing the files that are being downloaded. Click OK. Install start Download Station again. Don't forget to disable telnet and/or SSH when you are done (unless you actually need them for other reasons) From this point download station will be using Vol2 to place it's temp files and therefore not using up space on Vol1. Mission accomplished! Enjoy!.


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